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5G mobile phone officially launched! Morning Science and Technology carry key materials "wait and see"Release time:2019-08-06

5G mobile phone officially launched! Morning Scienceand Technology carry key materials "wait and see"

Yesterdaymorning, the first domestic 5G mobile phone was officially launched. In the 5Gexperience store of Suning Tesco Plaza in Ciyun Temple, Beijing, the first 5Gbuyer in the country was produced. As a key soldering material supplier in the5G communication industry, the morning technology pair The real arrival of 5Gis long-awaited. I hope that in the 5G era, I can play a bigger role in it,provide a solid material technology foundation and guarantee for the smoothspread of 5G, and contribute my own strength.

It is reported that the first 5G mobile phone sold isthe ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G mobile phone. In addition to the first ZTE 5G mobilephone for sale, Huawei's Mate20X 5G version and Samsung and vivo's 5G mobilephones are also poised for launch, and will be launched in succession. How faris China's 5G mobile phone ushered in a real outbreak?

Accordingto Jiang Chu, the head of the marketing center of Jingdong CommunicationDivision, "Zhongxing has about 10,000 online reservations for this mobile phone.Many mobile phones were received yesterday." The relevant person expects5G mobile phones from the second half to the fourth quarter. Sales willexplode.

However, at present, although 5G has been officiallycommercialized, the price of 5G mobile phones is relatively high, which affectsthe speed of the full-scale outbreak to a certain extent. In particular, the 5Gsignal coverage problem has not been fully solved, and the full popularity of5G mobile phones will take some time. Because it is used where there is no 5Gsignal coverage, it is not much different from 4G.

As a key soldering material solder paste provider inthe 5G communication industry, Chenshi Technology has just recently completedthe China 5G mobile phone new materials, new structure summit forum and supplyand demand matchmaking meeting. At the meeting, Chenri Technology said that itwill do its utmost to promote the rapid development of the 5G communicationindustry, and use the actual action to develop more packaged series of materialsthat adapt to 5G technology.

In the face of the official debut of 5G mobile phones,the morning technology is "strickenly waiting". In the new 5G mobilephone materials, package soldering is indispensable. The X4 and X5 solderpastes of the company can perfectly satisfy the SMT lead-free process ofhigh-precision 5G mobile phone and base station circuit boards. The EL-S3/S4/S5models meet 5G. Lead-free process for antennas. It's time to show realstrength! The technology of the morning, 15 years of packaging materialsindustry, can withstand all the test of the market, with the full coverage of5G signals and the increasing popularity of 5G mobile phones, the importance ofkey materials of the morning technology is self-evident, Do not fightunprepared, the morning technology through the forward-looking layout, has beenready for the technical preparation of the 5G era, just waiting for you!

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